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NTRO, NSA hack seamonkey browser for exposing the fact that goan obc bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan is not an investor

Unlike NTRO which does not help indian online business owners, NSA is working very hard to help google destroy competition in India, hacking the laptop, browser of the google competitor and falsely claiming that goan obc bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan 2013 bsc, indore fraud housewife veena and other google, tata sponsored frauds only interested in SEX, housekeeping, enjoying themselves and not investing any money online, have the investment, paypal account of the google competitor, paypal account holder to get the goan sex workers and other frauds a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the google competitor.
On 19 September 2017 at around 7 am IST, NSA again hacked the laptop and seamonkey browser of the google competitor , so that the word count was not accurately measured, shown as zero and the google competitor could not submit the article.
The goan obc bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan does not spend any money on domain names which can be proved checking her bank details, income tax returns, however to defame, deny the google competitor the income and opportunities she deserved, NSA, NTRO, indian government are falsely claiming that the goan sex worker recruited by R&AW has the investment and paypal account of the google competitor, to pay the sex worker a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of the google competitor

Iball laptop hacked for posting news of goan R&AW employee sex worker sunaina

NTRO, R&AW, cbi and other indian government employees have forgotten the national motto , satyameva jayate, the truth will triumph and waste a huge amount of indian tax payer money to cover up their endless frauds, sex rackets. For example when news of the sex racket of goan obc bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan,was saved on an iball laptop, the laptop was immediately hacked in campal in panaji, goa on 12 September 2017.
The laptop owner tried to restart in 10-15 times , it always failed, as the ntro employees are falsely claiming that their sex partner sunaina is doing all the work online to get her a monthly R&AW salary, when actually she is not doing any work at all
The ntro employees and their sex partner sunaina is getting a very good indian government salary, yet they are so cruel and ruthless that they intentionally hacked the iball laptop so that the time of the iball laptop owner would be wasted.

More Indians preferring Micromax, Iball to Hewlett packard laptops

In the last few years, indians are increasingly preferring to use indian laptops like micromax, iball compared to hewlett packard because of their lower prices and acceptable quality. Indian laptop manufacturers are not wasting much money on expensive advertising, especially on television, and those who require only a basic laptop, are looking for the lowest price.
On the other hand, Hewlett packard is wasting a huge amount of money on expensive television advertising, and its ad featuring a look alike of the slim lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan obc bhandari R&AW employee SEX WORKER sunaina chodan,2013 bsc (who is promoted by her lovers in NTRO, CBI as an online expert, domain investor) is being shown on national television channels like india today repeatedly, more than 3-4 times an hour. Additionally the quality of the hewlett packard laptop is not very good, the keyboard stopped working during the warranty period, within 1 year of purchase.
So a decade ago, many indians were very loyal to compaq laptops, desktops, now due to nsa, ntro hacking they are only looking for a low price and a warranty of 1 year, so micromax, iball laptops are acceptable

The professional company dealectronic provides all the information on dell xps.

R&AW, NTRO should not dupe Hewlett Packard, others that their SEX worker employees are online experts

Even Herald confirmed that sex tourism is supported by some very powerful officials in the goan government, and as part of the goan, indian government policy to encourage SEX tourism in goa , NTRO, CBI, security agencies are pampering google, tata sponsored goan sex worker R&AW employees slim goan obc bhandari slut sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud siddhi mandrekar, giving them credit and a monthly indian government salary for work they do not do, money they do not spend.
The sex maniac fraud NTRO employees are putting india’s largest female domain investor under surveillance and then falsely claiming that their favorite sex worker R&AW employees ared doing the work online, to deny the domain investor and google competitor the income and opportunities she deserved.
The goan sex workers hired by R&AW are not interested in investing any money online, on computer hardware, yet the shameless fraud NTRO employees like j srinivasan are duping companies like Hewlett packard that their favorite R&AW employee sex worker sunaina only interested in sex is purchasing the HP laptop when actually the domain investor, a private citizen has purchased the HP laptop
The NTRO employees like j srinivasan are worse than nigerian fraudsters when they dupe companies worldwide like Hewlett Packard that the lazy greedy goan R&AW employee SEX worker sunaina, who has never purchased a laptop in her life, has been purchasing HP laptops to get the lazy greedy goan sex worker great privileges, powers at the expense of their real customer.
Google, tata have been extremely vicious in defaming india’s largest female domain investor putting her under surveillance and then duping people, companies and countries worldwide that their lazy fraud associates are doing work online , investing money online in one of the greatest online, financial frauds, SEX racket since 2010

Google, tata sponsored gujju housewife cbi employee eighth standard pass naina has not operated a computer in her life

The indian government lectures indian citizens on tax evasion, black money, yet the taxes that indian citizens are paying are wasted on semi literate frauds who falsely claim to be online experts like Google, tata sponsored gujju housewife cbi employee eighth standard pass naina, mother of two sons, who the fraud ntro employees led by the powerful parmar, falsely claim is an online expert, domain investor owning this website and others owned by the google competitor.
Google is extremely vicious in defaming the google competitor and like the vishal sikka, infosys case has bribed fraud top ntro, cbi, security agency employees to defame the google competitor without any proof at all.
So through the fraud powerful parmar premika semi literate cbi employee naina has not operated a computer in her life, for the last few years due to the google, tata, ntro, parmar fraud, the indian government is wasting indian tax payer money paying a salary to parmar premika naina at the expense of the domain investor who is often not at home due to other work.
An open challenge to NTRO, CBI, indian government to file a defamation case, to prove that parmar premika cbi employee naina , a lazy semi literate fraud housewife, has paid any money for this and other domain names

HP pampering slim goan obc bhandari panaji PROSTITUTE R&AW employee sunaina chodan 2013 bsc, not recommended

Though Compaq had fairly good quality laptops and computers till 2011, in 2017 indian citizens should not purchase a hewlett packard laptop because in 2017 it is one of the companies that is allegedly pampering lazy greedy mediocre google, tata sponsored slim goan obc bhandari panaji PROSTITUTE R&AW employee sunaina chodan 2013 bsc, who the fraud NTRO employees falsely claim was their btech 1993 ee classmate as reward for the sex services the google, tata supplied goan sex worker sunaina provides them.
The fraud ntro employees hate their real btech 1993 ee classmate, a obc single woman engineer, google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, so they are putting their female classmate under surveillance.,and then falsely claiming that the lazy greedy goan prostitute sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc supplied to them by google, tata has the impressive resume, investment of their classmate to get the slim goan obc bhandari panaji PROSTITUTE R&AW employee sunaina chodan 2013 bsc a lucrative R&AW job at the expense of their real btech 1993 ee classmmate
slim goan obc bhandari panaji PROSTITUTE R&AW employee sunaina chodan 2013 bsc has never actually purchased any laptop in her life, as she does no work online, does not invest any money online, only relies on her fraud sugar daddies in google, tata, NTRO like j srinivasan to dupe companies like hewlett packard, bsnl, ebay, sbi, mutual funds that 2013 bsc goan sex worker R&AW employee was their btech 1993 ee classmate . The indian media reported that vikas barala was arrested for stalking for less than 1 hour, no action is taken against ntro employees like puneet, j srinivasan, who stalk their classmate for more than 7 years, and then falsely claim that sex workers, frauds have the resume, investment of their btech 1993 ee classmate.
Bone ossification tests will also prove that slim goan obc bhandari panaji PROSTITUTE R&AW employee sunaina chodan 2013 bsc , was not born in 1989 to give 1989 jee and get a btech 1993 ee degree . Companies like Hewlett packard who pamper goan sex workers, falsely claiming that the sex workers are customers are best avoided

HP (hewlett Packard) laptop ad features look alike of google, tata sponsored obc bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan 2013 bsc hired for SEX

Though google, tata sponsored obc bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan 2013 bsc hired for SEX by the indian government has never purchased any laptop including hp laptop as she is only interested in having sex with powerful men, the powerful fraud google, tata, ntro employees led by j srinivasan who are infatuated with the GOAN SEX WORKER sunaina chodan continue to dupe laptop companies that sunaina, the SEX worker owns the laptops of a google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, to get sunaina, the R&AW SEX worker privileges from hewlette packard and other laptop companies

the powerful fraud google, tata, ntro employees led by j srinivasan hate the google competitor, their btech 1993 ee classmate, so to defame, humiliate, deny her the opportunities, income she deserved, the powerful indian government who are infatuated with the GOAN SEX WORKER sunaina chodan 2013 bsc, falsely claim that the goan obc bhandari SEX worker was their btech 1993 ee classmate though india’s most pampered SEX worker R&AW employee slim sunaina chodan was not born in 1989 to give JEE 1989 and get a btech 1993 ee degree

The latest Hewlett Packard ad featured on television channels features a yellow wearing look alike of the google, tata sponsored goan obc bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan 2013 bsc who fraud ntro, cbi employees falsely claim is an online expert, domain investor(owning this domain also),paypal account holder when the google, tata sponsored obc bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan 2013 bsc does no work online, does not make any money online, does not invest any money online, is only an expert in having sex with top ntro,cbi, security , raw employees who her pimps in google, tata send to her.

When will google, tata, ntro, cbi stop pampering google, tata sponsored obc bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan 2013 bsc, stop falsely claiming that the sex worker is an online expert, domain investor?g

An open challenge to R&AW, indian governmemnt, tamilian brahmin NTRO employee j srinivasan to prove that his favorite goan obc bhandari R&AW employee SEX worker sunaina chodan, only interested in SEX with powerful men, has ever purchased a Hewlett Packard (HP) laptop in her life

google,tata sponsored goan obc bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan sex partners hack sandisk pendrive

On 17 July 2017, the google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, who is impersonated by google,tata sponsored goan obc bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan 2013 bsc,( who gets a raw salary for faking a btech 1993 ee degree) was trying to take a printout of some photos in panaji, goa . When she went to a photo studio at around 4.30 pm , the associates of the extremely pampered google,tata sponsored goan obc bhandari R&AW PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc, immediately hacked the sandisk pen drive so that the staff at the photo studio could not read the content of the pen drive , it was giving an error that the pen drive had to be formatted.
The same pendrive had been used repeatedly in Mumbai to take printouts, and no problem was faced. It clearly indicates how powerful and vindictive the lovers, sex partners and relatives of the google,tata sponsored goan obc bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan are, how much they are harassing the google competitor as part of the deal to ensure that google,tata sponsored goan obc bhandari R&AW PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan 2013 bsc, continues to get a monthly R&AW salary for faking a btech 1993 ee degree at the expense of the google competitor

More than 60% of small business owners do not have computers

The indian government has made GST compulsory , however the officials are forgetting the fact that most small business owners do not have computers, internet and skilled staff to operate the systems.
for example though the google, tata sponsored bengaluru shivalli brahmin R&AW employee cheater housewife bbm nayanshree hathwar is getting a monthly salary for faking a btech 1993 ee degree, and ownership of a paypal account, she has almost no knowledge of computers, she openly boasted that she does not even know her computer configuration , indicating the low levels of computer proficiency in India
According to a media report, 60% of small business owners do not have computers . Income tax returns are filed once a year, filing returns regularly can be a major challenge.
With ntro hacking laptops to steal and manipulate data, few business owners can trust their digital data and computers in 2017

15 laptops and printers of harmless engineer hacked by NTRO

In a clear indication of how ruthless ntro officials allegedly on the payroll of google, tata are in stealing the impressive resume of their btech 1993 ee classmate for 10 google, tata sponsored goan call girls, cheater housewives and other fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees, these fraud ntro officials led by j srinivasan who is infatuated by goan sex queen slim goan obc bhandari call girl R&AW employee sunaina chodnekar 2013 bsc, have hacked at least 15 laptops and printers of their their female btech 1993 ee classmate, who resume they have stolen, to harass her and waste her time, money.
These incompetent NTRO officials have no financial qualification, have never filed tax returns as business owners, self employed professionals, use their half knowledge to make fake allegations of black money, and hack laptops, computers and printers of harmless citizens, especially their engineering classmate, wasting her time and money daily.
For example only to get a working printer, the engineer had to waste many hours on 16 and 17 january 2017, as the associates of goan sex queen R&AW employee sunaina chodnekar, indore housewife veena,shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, goan gsb fraud riddhi nayak, did not allow the engineer to install the printer driver in St Inez, Panaji, Goa for a new SP210 Ricoh printer. In St Inez, these officials also uninstalled a printer driver originally installed on a Samsung laptop, so that she could not take a printout with that laptop

In another place in goa, the engineer was not under surveillance for computer use so a very experienced NTRO hacker was not deployed to hack her new laptop , and she managed to install the printer driver. The NTRO hacker again tried to block the printer driver installation, however the engineer made some changes, and the NTRO hacker could not block quickly enough allowing the printer driver to get installed. Why are NTRO officials so relentless in not letting the engineer use the laptop, printer, denying her fundamental right to privacy and to earn a fair living. It would be interesting to know how hackers are deployed for causing losses, wasting time.

After 7 years, these officials cannot find any legally valid proof, yet continue to waste a huge amount of indian tax payer money and resources , to hack all the engineers computers , laptops, smartphones and cause financial losses.