Not satisfied with the sex, money and jobs for relatives with stolen identities as bribes, the cruel sex animal ntro and security agency employees in panaji goa, continue to stalk and torture the google competitor whose identity they have stolen, committing a banking fraud since 2010
On 27 September 2018, it appears that ntro, security agency employees enjoying sex with google, tata supplied goan call girl raw employees sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, getting bribes from kolhapur born school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina , riddhi nayak, used a new dangerous and extremely painful weapon on the google competitor when she was at home
It appears that the power line has been hacked, to monitor when the google competitor is sitting in front of the computer
The google competitor experienced so much pain on the lower part of the left lung, that it was unbearable, forcing her to flee the room
The pain lasted for approximately 15 minutes and was caused by microwave burns
After the micromax laptop is disconnected from the power supply, no pain is experienced
Monthly Archives: September 2018
NTRO continues to hack Micromax laptop keyboard of google competitor, deleting typed content remotely
In a clear indication how malicious and cruel the well paid ntro employees getting sex, money bribes from google, tata, are they are hacking the micromax keyboard, and moving the cursor randomly, deleting typed text when the google competitor is online, to waste her time
Almost everything she is typing is being deleted remotely by the malicious fraud ntro employees enjoying regular sex with google, tata supplied goan raw employees sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar , forcing her to waste her time typing the same data twice or thrice
These sex mad ntro employees are misusing the wifi network to intentionally move the cursor around remotely in a clear case of corporate espionage, and take advantage of the fact that there is no undo button on most websites
NTRO employees change the task bar settings of google competitor
In a clear indication of the endless frauds of raw/cbi/ntro employees on the harmless google competitor whose identity they have stolen, on 13 September 2018, the ntro employees had intentionally changed the position of the taskbar on the Micromax laptop L1161
To restore the position the google competitor had to waste her time
This is an indication of the corporate espionage on a harmless citizen by the ntro employees freelancing for google, tata , wasting indian tax payer money
NTRO hacking micromax laptop, cursor jumping randomly
As part of the corporate espionage deal with google, tata, the sex, money bribe taking ntro employees are hacking the new micromax laptop of the google competitor and the cursor is jumping randomly from one place to another when she is using the micromax laptop purchased a few months ago.
This makes it difficult to type using the laptop, especially when the user is online because the undo button is not working as part of the google strategy to cause further losses to the competitor.
Some sentences which are typed and getting deleted automatically, as the ntro employees are ruthless in causing losses to the google competitor, so that their fraud of falsely claiming that google, tata supplied goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc offering sex services to ntro employees, is an online expert is not exposed