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Computer hacked for exposing fairskinned fraud housewife resha’s computer work fraud

Even maidservants are paid for they do at home, spending their time, only the top tech and internet companies are extremely shameless and ruthless in the online, financial fraud, SLAVERY racket on online investors , workers in india, refusing to acknowledge the time and money the investor alone spends.
Instead these shameless greedy liar cheater companies are robbing the data of the online investor and falsely claiming that lazy greedy cheater housewives, other cheater married women and young frauds who do not spend time and money are doing the computer work, own the domains to get all the frauds great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the online investor, who is criminally defamed,and denied a life of dignity
The shameless panaji greedy goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari cheater sunaina chodan are one of the top beneficiaries of massive ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY racket , ruthlessly CHEATING, EXPLOITING, ROBBING a hardworking single woman engineer, migrant from north karnataka with the help of her fraud father nayak. husband cheater caro, working in security agencies, top government employees, tech and internet companies.
shameless panaji greedy goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro and her husband cheater caro do not have the honesty and humanity to open their own online, bank account, instead rob the data of the single woman engineer , migrant from north karnataka to make fake claims and get great powers, monthly government salary
Even after the single woman engineer has left goa almost 3 years ago, panaji greedy goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro does not have the humanity to leave her alone, continue to cheat, exploit, rob and defame the hardworking single woman engineer.
For property related work, the engineer had gone to hubli,and it appears that panaji greedy goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro had recruited the fairskinned fraud housewife resha to follow her footsteps in faking computer work to get great powers. The engineer also had to go to bengaluru to meet relatives and she could not do any computer work when in bengaluru, since she does not have a compact laptop due to online, financial fraud, slavery.
This exposed the computer work fraud of fairskinned fraud housewife resha, and the hackers who panaji greedy goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro and resha had recruited for robbing data to make fake claims have hacked the computer in hubli.So when the engineer tried to use the computer on 26 september after her trip to bengaluru, the desktop computer display was not starting despite her best efforts indicating that it was hacked.
This exposes the dishonesty of the internet companies, their refusal to acknowledge the real domain investor, and are always making up fake claims to reward greedy good looking housewives and other frauds who do not spend time and money.

LYF phones shut down automatically due to flawed design

One of the reasons why Chinese, Korean and other non-indian smartphones are popular in the country, is because most indian smartphones are not of very good quality.
For example the LYF smartphone is shutting down automatically.
The poor quality of indian smartphones are a direct consequence of indian government policy of resume ROBBERY of engineers with a good JEE to falsely claim that goan CALL GIRLS, cheater housewives, sindhi dropouts and other lazy greedy frauds who did not study engineering are experienced engineers to give them great powers, monthly government salary.

For example the top government employees allegedly from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay hate their female classmate, so they are allegedly falsely claiming that kolhapur/panaji sindhi school dropout naina premchandani, illegally married at 16, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, indore cheater housewife bespectacled deepika/veena, panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, 2005 bbm, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel and other fraud raw/cbi employees who did not answer JEE , has the resume, savings of their female classmate to get all the frauds great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman engineer.
Shocking the top tech, internet companies and even some telecom companies, politicians, officials are supporting the government resume robbery of experienced engineers with a good JEE rank falsely claiming that bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, sindhi school dropout naina premchandani who studied only till 8th standard in kolhapur and others have a btech 1993 ee degree, while the experienced engineer has been denied the income and opportunities she deserved.
So the indian government policy of falsely claiming that kolhapur/panaji sindhi school dropout housewives are experienced engineers from top colleges has adversely affected the quality of the smartphones designed in india

The Last Tour Date Became a Fiasco

I suppose that is not so big of a surprise for me, but it was a little more out of control than usual. The tour has been going on for about thirty weeks and we have been all over this country and Canada. We even flew briefly to London to do some publicity. At any rate Las Vegas is the end and everyone is ready to blow off steam. Some of the guys had to get involved with some brunette escorts in las vegas and then one of them decided that he would take the services for free. Some way or another he got hold of a credit card that did not belong to him, apparently it belonged to some guy from the label. It was not enough. The credit card came up bad and this girl had some guy with her who made it his job to beat the money out of the sound engineer. Before long some more of our guys came along and it turned into a great big incident. Next morning I was in charge of getting our guys out of the Clark County jail.

It was not so easy, at least not all of them. Some of them had not done much aside from pulling the bouncer ( or whatever you call him) off of the sound engineer. Others had gotten involved with the police when they showed up. Fortunately we got hold of the right type of lawyer and he talked them into not charging all of them with all of the stuff that they could have been charged with. The sound engineer was a different matter, although based on a history of similar incidents over the course of two years. The band sat down with the label over a buffet. It seemed like it was time to cut him loose.

LYF flame hacked extensively to track location

LYF flame hacked extensively to track location.
Indicating the harassment the domain investor faces, even the cheapest mobiles she purchases are being hacked extensively.
To check the IP addresses change the domain investor carried the LYF flame when she visited several places for a site visit.
She noticed that despite being connected to a power bank, the LYF flame was getting shut down automatically
When the LYF Flame mobile was started again, it was showing a message, updating 1 of 140 apps and it continued for each app.
The domain investor has installed only 3-4 apps on the smartphone.
Even in the bedroom of the same house, the smartphone is getting shut down automatically.
Only in the hall, if the smartphone is connected to the power supply, it remains on for some time.

Lack of suitable hardware, exposes the extent of online SLAVERY in india

The domain investor could not do much computer work in the last 11 days, because she was travelling and did not have access to proper hardware. Though the domain investor had a tablet and mobiles,it is difficult to do much work on a tablet with a small screen and android OS.
Additionally the copy paste function on the tablet is not working properly
Though there was an old computer available,it was not functioning properly and rebooting suddenly.
This exposes the extent of the ONLINE SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD of the top tech, internet companies on online workers, investors, refusing to acknowledge the time and money they spend doing computer work daily,purchasing suitable hardware.
Instead these CHEATER LIAR FRAUD top tech and internet companies are openly involved in massive ONLINE FRAUD, SLAVERY, falsely giving lazy greedy cheater housewives like indore cheater deepika/veena, SHAMELESS GREEDY panaji goan gsb FRAUD housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, goan call girls like sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, who do not spend any time and money,do not purchase hardware, yet make fake claims using ROBBED data and get monthly government salaries at the expense of the online worker,investor.

R&AW/cbi employees refuse to purchase hardware, rely on lovers/sugar daddies to get them monthly government salaries

One of the best example of widespread social injustice, government SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD, is how india’s top online fraudster bengaluru brahmin liar puneet gets kolhapur/panaji shameless sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, haryana fraud ruchita kinge and all his other lazy greedy girlfriends who do not pay for hardware,internet connection monthly government salary ROBBING the data of the online workers, who are paying for hardware, internet connection in a major EXTORTION racket which the internet sector refuses to question,
If the kolhapur/panaji shameless sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani wanted to work online honestly she could have purchased hardware, internet connection,opened her own online, bank account, spent time working and received payment legally,
Instead in a major sex trade deal,the sindhi scammer naina premchandani is allegedly offering sex bribes to top indian government employees like puneet, parmar, tushar parekh, nikhil shah,who then rob the data of online workers, investors to make fake claims about naina, get her great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the online worker, investor who is criminally defamed to cover up the financial,online fraud.

Computer hacked after details of domain fraudster raw employee ruchita kinge Rs 21000/day hotel stay was published

After the details of haryana fraud raw employee ruchita kinge’s Rs 21000/day (approx. $300/day) holiday in jaipur luxury hotel, her husband vikas got the computer hacked completely so that it is not possible to even take a backup of the hard drive , he then joined her in her instagram photos fromthe luxury hotel
So the domain investor was forced to purchase a new computer from her personal funds, since it is required for other purposes also
The laptop was used very less since the hackers promoting panaji goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan will also hack the laptop easily , and money will have to be wasted purchasing another laptop

The domain investor is desperately trying to sell domains for $300 or less,yet raw employee ruthless ruchita refuses to legally purchase even one domain, though she is getting a monthly government salary only for faking domain ownership.

Hackers continue to delete content from computer files

Indian government agencies raw/cbi are openly involved in cybercrime, slavery stealing the data of private citizens and falsely claiming that the content is written by their lazy greedy fraud employees to justify the monthly salaries these housewives and other frauds are getting at the expense of the online worker,
To cover up the writing fraud of bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife raw employee nayanshree, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad,and other cheater raw/cbi employees who do not spend any time doing computer work, the shivalli brahmin and other hackers continue deleting part of the files of the domain investor. The domain investor had spent a lot of time researching and writing out leopard related content, their food especially dogs which was then posted on the blog.
Now the domain investor was searching for the information in the files and finds that the information is not available in the text files, it has been deleted by the hackers accessing the computer remotely
This is the real reason why the domain investor does not store any financial information on the computer, she is aware that the files may get deleted or modified remotely, resulting in waste of time and misuse of confidential information.

Banking/domain fraudster raw/cbi employees hiring hackers specialising in hacking firefox browser

Though the domain, banking fraudster raw/cbi employees like panaji greedy goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel,bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, haryana cheater ruchita kinge are all cheating the domain investor of more than Rs 15 lakh annually with their domain ownership, banking fraud using criminally defamation, fake rumors they are extremely ruthless in causing more losses to the domain investor who they have ruthlessly cheated.

Since the extremely corrupt and inefficient government blindly believes all the lazy greedy liar fraud raw/cbi employees to to waste indian taxpayer money to pay them monthly salaries these shameless greedy cheaters are hiring hackers to cause losses to the domain investor to force her to agree to resume robbery
It appears that the hackers are hacking the firefox browser repeatedly to waste time and cause great losses, In latest cybercrime of the hackers hired by banking, domain fraudster raw/cbi employees they hacked the firefox browser so that the clickspaid task could not be completed

The google website was not opening for more than 5 minutes wasting the time of the domain investor on 17 August 2023 at around 9 pm , showing the extent of the harassment which the domain investor is subjected to by domain, banking fraudster raw/cbi employees, SEX BRIBE taking top indian government employees like j srinivasan from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay and cheater liar indian tech and internet companies rewarding all the domain, banking fraudster raw/cbi employees for their fraud.

After bengaluru brahmin cheater raw employee housewife nayanshree writing fraud was posted on forum, b, n key on fingers keyboard hacked

due to the extremely high levels of corruption in india, dishonest greedy liar indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google,tata, infosys and cognizant openly involved in resume robbery rackets to get the lazy greedy relatives, friends and associates of top government employees no work, no investment government jobs while the real online worker is criminally defamed in the worst manner, denied the fundamental rights
One of the main beneficiary of indian government online slavery is bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife raw employee nayanshre who is only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband guruprasad and like goan/sindhi frauds siddhi mandrekar,sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, does no computer work. Yet in a major case of government SLAVERY, the government are closely monitoring all the work done by a single woman engineer, and then falsely claiming that raw/cbi employees who do not spend any time are doing the work, to pay them monthly government salaries since 2010, while the single woman is criminally defamed causing great losses
when the domain investor complained about the government housewives fraud, how the housewives are actually cooking, cleaning for their families, yet the government falsely claims that they are doing writing, computer work, it appears that the tech, internet companies got the keyboard hacked. Now the b,n keys on the fingers keyboard are not working, though there is physical damage visible.
So a new keyboard has to be purchased.