Using Dlink modem also blocks other USB modems on Micromax laptop

In a clear case of corporate espionage in panaji, goa, whenever a dlink modem with a BSNL sim card is being used on a Micromax laptop, the connection attempt is failing after 4 minutes and it is also not possible to use any other modem on the Micromax laptop, without restarting the laptop.
It appears that some very sophisticated hacking method is used by NTRO, in panaji, goa, because after dlink modem with a BSNL sim card was used twice at 12.36 hours onwards on 11 June 2017, it took around 7-8 minutes for the micromax laptop to shut down.
Normally if the micromax laptop was not hacked , it will shut down very quickly in a few minutes. Google, tata like to falsely claim that housewives are doing the work online to get them a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the real domain investor . However when google, tata and the ntro employees are wasting so much time daily just for checking email, how can the domain investor find time for other activities

Device initialization failed for Dlink modem

Due to NTRO hacking, a Dlink modem with a BSNL connection cannot be used , as it is giving a “Device initialization failed” wasting time of the domain investor on 11/6/2017. When the DLink modem is again connected, it is giving the message No device, indicating that NTRO employees have disabled the USB port of the Micromax laptop

This is part of the corporate espionage of NTRO employees in panaji, goa freelancing for google, tata to cause financial losses to a link seller competing with google adwords.

Iball airway modem giving message invalid USIM with BSNL SIM

Due to NTRO hacking , when the BSNL sim was added to Iball Airway modem it is giving the message invalid USIM in a clear case of corporate espionage of google, tata , ntro employees who are not allowing the google competitor, domain investor to work online on 7 June 2017, unless the goan obc bhandari sex worker sunaina, supplied by google, tata to ntro employees for SEX gets credit and a monthly indian government salary
It appears that NTRO employees in panaji, goa having sex with google, tata’s goan sex worker sunaina have hacked both the iball Airway modem and the DLink modem. The google competitor is paying for the BSNL prepaid connection alone, why do ntro, google, tata employees want to give the sex worker sunaina credit and a monthly indian government salary

Device Initialization failed – Dlink modem error due to NTRO hacking

NTRO employees freelancing for google, tata in panaji, goa are hacking the Dlink modem installed on a micromax laptop owned by a google competitor repeatedly misusing the expensive ntro equipment available to harass the google competior for exposing the SEX workers goan obc bhandari R&AW employee sunaina, goan gsb fraud siddhi, supplied by google, tata to NTRO employees for SEX.
When the domain investor will use the Dlink modem, she is getting an error “Device Initialization failed” fairly frequently making it difficult to connect to the internet again, waste her time, on 8 June 2017
It is a clear case of abuse of power , waste of indian tax payer money to increase the profit of google, cause losses to indian citizens

Dlink modem disable for exposing goan obc bhandari R&AW employee SEX worker sunaina chodan 2013 bsc

The google, tata sponsored goan obc bhandari R&AW employee SEX worker sunaina chodan 2013 bsc recruited for SEX by the india government is so pampered by her lovers in NTRO led by the fraud j srinivasan that unless the goan R&AW employee prostitute sunaina is given credit and a monthly R&AW salary for the online work, investment done by a google competitor with a better 1989 JEE rank than google ceo sundar pichai, ntro, google, tata employees in panaji, goa are hacking the Micromax laptop and Dlink modem of the google competitor who is impersonated and exploited by google, tata sponsored goan obc bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina
The problem is particularly severe on 7 June 2017, as the Dlink modem and BSNL connection is not working at all, wasting the time of the google competitor.
The other connection is working, however it is very slow
When goan R&AW employee prostitute sunaina is not doing any work online, why are tata, google, ntro employees in goa hacking the laptop of the google competitor for exposing the truth, wasting indian tax payer money

Dlink modem hacked to give slim goan obc bhandari R&AW employee SEX worker sunaina credit for work the lazy VVIP SEX worker does not do

On 6 June 2017, the ntro employees in panaji, goa having SEX with the google, tata sponsored slim goan obc bhandari R&AW employee SEX worker sunaina chodan 2013 bsc from goa, hacked the Micromax laptop of the obc single woman engineer whose resume, investment, the goan SEX worker falsely claims to have to get a monthly indian government salary. Though it extremely clear that the the goan obc bhandari R&AW employee SEX worker sunaina chodan is getting a monthly indian government salary only for having SEX, the ntro, security agency, google, tata employees in panaji, having SEX with the VVIP goan sex worker continue to dupe people tha the sex worker is an online expert and are monitoring the BSNL connection closely so that the SEX worker gets a monthly indian government salary for having SEX with them.
To waste the time of the domain investor they sugar daddies and other patrons of goan sex worker sunaina are periodically hacking the laptop of the google competitor using the BSNL connection, When the domain investor tried to change the internet connection to Airtel, panaji NTRO sex worker gang having sex with R&AW employees sunaina, siddhi, immediately hacked the laptop using the NTRO/Dlink connection. The USB ports of the laptop were hacked and the USB dongle and the mouse stopped working . More than 15 minutes were wasted trying to fix the hacking as a very sophisticated hack was used by the NTRO employees who will do anything for sex.

NTRO hacking mouse repeatedly

To cause losses and waste time, ntro has been hacking the laptop mouse repeatedly so that it does not work with a particular USB port on 17 May 2017, It has to be interchanged repeatedly so that it will work. It appears that they are disabling the mouse related ports to waste the time and money of the domain investor , google competitor, whose resume the ntro employees have stolen for as many as 10 lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced google, tata sponsored goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other frauds clearly indicating the lack of humanity of these lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced google, tata sponsored frauds

NTRO hacks micromax laptop to promote google, tata’s goan obc bhandari SEX worker R&AW employee sunaina chodnekar

To defame and deny opportunities to a harmless google competitor, domain investor, NTRO, CBI, R&AW and the indian government are falsely claiming that google, tata’s slim goan obc bhandari SEX worker R&AW employee sunaina chodnekar 2013 bsc recruited by R&AW for SEX is an online expert, domain investor, so that indian government can waste indian tax payer to pay google, tata ‘s SEX workers for SEX .
In reality google, tata’s favorite sex worker sunaina,does no work online, does not spend any money online she only offers SEX services to top NTRO employees who then falsely that their sex partner is an online expert, To ensure that google, tata masterminded sex trade is not exposed, the NTRO employees receiving SEX services from google, tata’s sex workers are periodically hacking the laptop of the google competitor, who goan sex worker sunaina is impersonating to get a monthly R&AW salary .
On 7 May 2017, the micromax laptop of the google competitor was again hacked by the ntro employees receiving SEX services from google, tata’s sex worker R&AW employee sunaina. It took a long time for the laptop to restart.

Instead of monitoring Hidma, real terrorists, dishonest NTRO employees sexually harassing their female engineering classmate

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In a clear indication of the misplaced priorities of indian intelligence and security agencies, they are wasting tax payer money and resources, expensive electronic equipment in stalking and harassing the harmless female engineering college classmate , instead of monitoring the real troublemakers who are causing death like Hidma who allegedly masterminded the death of 25 CRPF employees.
NTRO employees like j srinivasan have stalked their harmless btech 1993 ee classmate, across different states in india, in different homes for more than 7 years since 2010, falsely claiming national security, however these ntro employees who have access to expensive and sophisticated equipment are unable to collect any information about the real troublemakers like Hidma who has caused so many deaths, and the terrorists in kashmir who are causing deaths daily

Why are ntro employees able to only monitor the activities of harmless engineers in peaceful states like goa using the expensive NTRO electronic equipment, why are they not able to get any information about the terrorists in Kashmir and other troublemakers who are killing indian government employees , which will really help improve the security condition in the state, it would be interesting to find out.

Shameless gujju R&AW employee domain fraudster asmita patel’s associates hack files on laptop

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Though the shameless google, tata sponsored gujju R&AW employee domain fraudster asmita patel has refused to pay the market price for and domain names for the last 4 years, in a major corruption, Vyapam type fraud, R&AW has wasted indian tax payer money paying a monthly R&AW salary to the cunning gujju domain fraudster who has seduced top ntro, cbi, security agency officials to give her fake references .
The cunning greedy google, tata sponsored fraud asmita patel who looks like the times now anchor navika kumar and her associates do not want to spend any of their money on domain names, renewal fees ,yet they are worse than nigerian 419 fraudsters when they falsely claim to own the domain names of a google competitor to get a monthly R&AW salary. To ensure that the financial fraud of domain fraudster asmita patel is not exposed, in panaji, goa, the associates of the crooked asmita patel are hacking files on the laptop.
Tired of being cheated and exploited by the shameless fraud google, tata officials since 2010, the domain investor has posted disclaimers on all domains she has paid for, that the 10 google, tata sponsored fraud indian intelligence employees impersonating her, are not associated with the website as they do not pay any expenses or do any work. While the names of the other fraud intelligence employees has remained in April 2017, the name of gujju domain fraudster asmita patel has been systematically deleted from some of the files by the fraud ntro employees abusing their powers to cover up the financial fraud.
When the shameless lazy greedy gujju R&AW employee domain fraudster asmita patel, does not want to pay any money for the domain names, why does asmita patel, a greedy lazy fraud, want to falsely claim that she owns the domain names of a private citizen, google competitor to get a monthly R&AW salary, and great powers